kLik SiNi...

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Thursday, August 28, 2008

taKE yOUr sWEet tiME - jeSse mcCArtnEY

taKE yOUr sWEet tiME - jeSse mcCArtnEY

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i cRY - sHayne wARd

i cRY - sHayne wARd

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Lagu kiTA - aiZAt

Lagu kiTA - aiZAt

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Lagu nie saya postkan atas permintaan NANAIMI.. Hye nanaimi...(^_^)V

sMoky MounTaiN mEmoriES (studio version) - dAviD ArcHULeta

sMoky MounTaiN mEmoriES (studio version) -
dAviD ArcHULeta

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wHY - aVRiL LaviNGE

wHY - aVRiL LaviNGE

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tHinGS i'LL neVEr sAy - aVriL LaviNGe

tHinGS i'LL neVEr sAy - aVriL LaviNGe

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hE wASn't - AvriL LaVingE

hE wASn't - AvriL LaVingE

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bEStfriEND - tHE pERisherS

bEStfriEND - tHE pERisherS

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Kawan baek saya RAHIMI yg bagi lagu nie utk saya...hehe..
Thanx mie..Kpd kwn2 baek sy yg lain,donlod la lagu nie..best tau..


I remember it most,
what it said,
how it kissed me,
And how it was burdened,
not like anyone else
And I remember your feet,
I saw them dance to the new beat
And When I asked you to,
they walked a mile in my shoes.

We were best friends,
more than best friends
That's too little again...

I remember your hands,
I heard them clap for my encore
Felt them pull me back,
As I tried to break loose
And I remember your eyes,
How they saw right through me
And how that made me feel..
so sick and bored with myself.

We were best friends,
more than best friends
That's too little again
We were best friends,
more than best friends
thats too little again,

Now I know that I loved her
and I wish I had told her
But I was too slow it was already over
yeah I was too slow it was already over.


Let's do it all again

aLL wE kNOw - pARamoRE

aLL wE kNOw - pARamoRE

Utk muatturun ---> DOWNLOADZ

wiSH yOU WerE hEre - piNK fLOYd

wiSH yOU WerE hEre - piNK fLOYd

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sTAy bEauTifuL - tAyLOr sWifT

sTAy bEauTifuL - tAyLOr sWifT

Utk muatturun ---> DOWNLOADZ

oUr SonG - taYLOR sWift

oUr SonG - taYLOR sWift

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sOMeONe tO LovE - sHaynE wARd

sOMeONe tO LovE - sHaynE wARd

Utk muatturun ---> DOWNLOADZ

cAn i hAVE it LikE tHat...

cAn i hAVE it LikE tHat -
PHarreLL ft. gWEn stEFani

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rAG doLL - mARooN fiVE

rAG doLL - mARooN fiVE

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Up tO tHe mOunTAin - kELLy cLarKSon

Up tO tHe mOunTAin - kELLy cLarKSon

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tAke iT or LeAVe iT - jEt

tAke iT or LeAVe iT - jEt

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sLEep aLL dAY - JasON maRZ

sLEep aLL dAY - JasON maRZ

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CRy - jAMes bLUnt

CRy - jAMes bLUnt

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YoU anD i bOTh - jAson MaRZ

YoU anD i bOTh - jAson MaRZ

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aRE yOu gONna bE mY giRL - JeT

aRE yOu gONna bE mY giRL - JeT

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A bEst dAY Of mY LiFE ( ost A ciNDereLLa sTOry)

A bEst dAY Of mY LiFE ( ost A ciNDereLLa sTOry) -
Jesse mcCARtneY

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kLik SiNi...

kLiK siNi...